1. The monthly remuneration for a priest from the Pastoral District shall be a MINIMUM of
$3032.49 from January 1, 2025; (which was increased with an annual Saskatchewan cost of
living). This amount shall be subject to deductions for IT, CPP, EI. At every October Clergy
Conference the rate will be reviewed and set for the next year.

a. Canon 390 #1: “Clerics have the right to a suitable sustenance and to receive a just
remuneration for carrying out the office or function, committed to them; in case of
married Clerics, sustenance for their families, unless this has been otherwise sufficiently
provided, is to be taken into account.”

b. Canon 390 #2: “They also have the right that there be provided for themselves as well for
their families, if they are married, suitable pension funds, social security as well as
health benefits.”

c. It is the responsibility of the Parish/District Executive to ensure, that the priest receives
his pay to be no less than the Eparchial minimum stated above.

2. For the priests who must travel to fulfill their regular parish duties there shall be a supplement of
$0.60/km. This rate is subject to review annually at the October Clergy Conference.

3. Each Pastoral District shall supply a Rectory with all amenities with no charge to the pastor. All
missions and parishes of a Pastoral District shall pay for the upkeep of the Rectory, including
telephone, furniture, major appliances, power, heat, water, etc. If the Pastoral District does not
own a rectory, they will pay the rent for a residence of the priest (or fair rent value of his home, if
the priest owns his own) and the utilities plus insurance (including building and household
contents). The Parish District shall also be responsible for all office supplies and equipment
necessary to run the Pastoral District in a proper administrative fashion (copier, paper, stationary,
internet, etc…).

4. On a weekly basis, a chosen “Day Off” is necessary for the well-being of the priest as well as the
Pastoral District. It is understandable, at times, this will not be feasible, and he is therefore
encouraged to take days off the following week (maximum accumulation of Days Off is up to 3

5. The priest has a right to the necessary annual vacation. A priest serving up to 10 years in the
Eparchy is entitled to 4 weeks of paid vacation annually. A priest serving from 11 to 20 years in
the Eparchy is entitled to 5 weeks of paid vacation annually. A priest serving 21 years or more in
the Eparchy is entitled to 6 weeks of paid vacation annually. This kind of absence does not
include those needed for other unavoidable necessities, as, for example – hospital treatment.

a. The days spent by the pastor on the Clergy Retreat, or Study Days, or other gatherings
mandated by the Bishop of the Eparchy of Saskatoon, according to the church norms, are
not counted as part of the vacation.

b. A maximum of 2 weeks of carry-over (or banked) vacation are allowed, if applied for in
writing to the parish and the Dean.

c. A priest can take his vacation time in a continuous block or in intermittent periods
throughout the year. He is entitled to his full vacation even in the first year he is serving
a particular Pastoral District. During his vacation, the priest will continue to receive his
regular pay. If a priest fails to exercise his right to a vacation in any 12-month period, the
Bishop and the Dean will work with the priest to encourage proper use of his of time off.
Also – the parish pays for the substitute priest, as only the parish can issue T-4 slips and
issue income tax receipts.

6. For substitutions and ministerial help, the Parish pays the substituting priest $150 for one Divine
Liturgy, $200 if there are two Divine Liturgies in a day, or $300 for three Divine Liturgies in a
day (plus travel expenses where applicable). At the present time, the travel expenses are

7. A priest must find a substitute priest who is in good standing to replace him during his absence on
vacation, inform the Bishop, and get permission from the Dean, at least 1 month prior to the
tentative vacation time. Also, the priest will provide the Chancery Office and Dean his contact
information for the duration of his vacation, so that he can be contacted in the case of emergency.

8. The Parish Priest is obligated to attend the Eparchial Study Days, Clergy Retreat, Eparchial and
Deanery meetings. The Pastoral District pays for the priest’s registrations, mileage,
accommodations, and meals.

9. Canon #296 – 1 (Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches): “In the parish there are to be parish
books, namely baptismal, matrimonial, death and others … : the pastor is to see to it that parish
books are properly filled out and preserved…” Canon #296 – 4: “ the pastor is to take care that
they do not come into the hands of outsiders.” Print with a black pen when making entries into the
record books, taking care of the privacy of the information. Registry books shall be kept at the
main parish office in a fire-safe place, and not accessible to the public or those without designated

These Directives take effect as of January 1, 2025.
Approved Nov 27, 2024