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Homilies by Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR

Most Rev. Bryan Joseph Bayda, CSsR

bishop_bayda.6c0d0ef66bea596e7624af8673b2eb8576Bryan Joseph Bayda was the third of six children entrusted by God to Joseph and Florence Bayda (Niedzielski)  in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on August 21, 1961. As a young boy in Saskatoon, he enjoyed lessons in music, numerous sports and had a newspaper route during his elementary school years at Bishop Murray School. Summers and weekends were spent at the farm near Aberdeen, Saskatchewan where his love for farming and the outdoors was nurtured. He attended St. Vladimir’s College Minor Seminary in Roblin, Manitoba and he pursued studies at the University of St. Michael’s College in Toronto obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy in 1982 and a Master of Divinity in 1987. Further studies included a Bachelor of Education from the University of Manitoba in 1990 and a Diploma in Eastern Christian Theology from the Metropolitan Andrew Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies located in Ottawa, Ontario in 1997. He professed perpetual vows in 1986 with the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer Yorkton Province. Bishop Basil Filevich ordained Deacon Bryan to the priesthood on May 30, 1987 at Ss. Peter & Paul’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Saskatoon. He accepted various assignments with the Redemptorists such as teaching and directing the minor seminary high school St. Vladimir’s College, Formation Director of Redeemer House, the major seminary of the Ukrainian Redemptorists in Toronto and pastoral ministry in various parishes throughout Western Canada. After 21 years of priestly ministry, on May 2, 2008,  the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, appointed Father Bryan as the fifth Bishop of the Eparchy of Saskatoon for the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Canada. He was ordained as bishop on June 27, 2008 at St. George’s Cathedral in Saskatoon by Metropolitan Archbishop Lawrence Huculak, OSBM of the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, Bishop Michael Wiwchar, CSsR (now Emeritus of the Eparchy of Saskatoon) and a close friend Bishop Ken Nowakowski, Eparch of the Eparchy of New Westminster. As a member of the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops), he has served on the Doctrine Commission and currently on the Catechises & Evangelization Commission. As a member of the UGCC Synod he has been the Youth Liaison and has been asked to represent the Synod at the upcoming Papal Synod set for October 2018, focusing on the theme: “Youth Faith & Vocational Discernment”.  On Saturday, November 9, 2019, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the Most Reverend Bryan Bayda CSsR, as Apostolic Administrator sede vacante of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada while remaining Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy Saskatoon. On April 28, 2022, His Holiness Pope Frances appointed the Most Reverend Bryan Bayda CSsR as bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada. 

The motto he chose for his episcopacy is taken from Acts 1:8:  

The motto he chose for his episcopacy is taken from Acts 1:8  “You Will Be My Witnesses”.
Bishop Bryan's Coat of Arms

Description of Bishop Bryan Bayda’s Coat of Arms

bishop bayda_coat_of_arms.f0d605228f001c17715ea8b9b5e9fdb776Bishop Bryan’s coat of arms is composed of a shield with its charges (symbols), a motto scroll, and external ornamentation. The shield contains four fields: starting in the upper right and proceeding clockwise with blue, grey, green and white. The blue symbolizes Mary the Theotokos . As co-redeemer and Our Mother of Perpetual Help, the virgin-white letter “M” also serves as an omophor of protection situated above the insignia of the Redemptorists. The arrangement of the cross, sponge and spear on three hills has been associated with the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer since 1738. Bishop Bryan professed vows in this Congregation during the fall of 1986. The grey symbolizes the darkness of sin in the world. The Incarnation of Christ is symbolized by the Bethlehem Star that rose in the East. Christ is the Light of the World! Christ brings hope and salvation to the world as a person and member of the Holy Family. The green portion of the shield with three sheaves of wheat, taken from Saskatchewan’s provincial flag, is indicative of Saskatchewan, Canada, the geographical area of the Eparchy of Saskatoon entrusted to the bishop. The white portion hosts a red maple leaf, at the heart of which is found a gold trident. It symbolizes the bishop’s heritage as Ukrainian Canadian. The shield is placed on an Episcopal mantle, crowned by a bishop’s golden mitre. The coat of arms is completed with external ornaments: a gold bishop’s crosier and cross, placed in back of the mantle. The blue ribbon, placed below the shield, displays Bishop Bryan’s motto: You Will Be My Witnesses. This is taken from the World Youth Day 2008 theme found in Acts 1:8 “ You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses.” This motto also stems from Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Familiaris Consortio and the importance of the family unit in today’s society. Witnessing to the God the Father is not a solitary task. Christ demonstrated this through the mystery of the Holy Family. Likewise, the words from the Prophet Joel reach us today reminding us of God’s promise, “Afterward I will pour out my spirit upon all mankind. Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; even upon the servants and the handmaids, in those days, I will pour out my spirit.” Joel 3:1-2

A Pillar Interview: Why this Canadian Ukrainian Bishop Loves Our Lady of Guadalupe

A Pillar Interview: Why this Canadian Ukrainian Bishop Loves Our Lady of Guadalupe

Source: A Pillar Interview
May 19-2021

   Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR               
Eparchy of Saskatoon


Bishop Bryan Bayda is not from Mexico City. He’s not Hispanic. In fact, he’s not even a Roman Catholic. But, however unlikely it might seem, the Canadian bishop in the Ukrainian Catholic Church has a deep, pious, and loving devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

“I didn’t think you’d see that coming,” Bayda told The Pillar, laughing, as he explained that his ministry as a bishop, “has really blossomed because of Our Lady of Guadalupe.”




The Pillar: Serious, smart, faithful Catholic news and analysis. Read more about The Pillar here:

10th Anniversary Celebration of Episcopal Ordination – June 2018
Livestream from 10th Anniversary Celebration of Episcopal Divine Liturgy & Banquet for His Excellency Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR - June 23, 2018
Video Highlights from Episcopal Ordination of His Excellency Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR - June 27, 2008

Video When You Close Your Eyes to See with Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR

At the invitation of Bishop Ken Nowakowski, I shared a song with the seminarians after the Divine Liturgy at St. Giosafat Seminary in Rome. I wrote it in August of 2016 during a family camp called CANA CONTINUES. The song is entitled, “When You Close Your Eyes To See”. It is based on Pope Francis’ Letter about Family (Post Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amores Laetitia – The Joy of Loving) – a letter, that Pope Francis wrote to summarize and inspire people to taste the Amore Laetitia – The Joy of Loving. In the context of the family is where we learn from a tender age how to love, forgive, be kind, and say “‘please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’.”

Highlights from Ad Limina Visit to Rome – March 19 – April 2, 2017 with Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR
Videos of Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage & Tours 2017 with Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR

Guadalupe Pilgrimage & Tour 2017

Guadalupe Pilgrimage & Tour 2016

Guadalupe Pilgrimage & Tour 2015