Albertown church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1927 near Hafford; R.M. 435.
The first church, under the patronage of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, was constructed in 1912 by the founding members of the parish and the Roman Catholic community. It was located on a one and one-half acre site six miles north and three miles west of Hafford. Several years later the Roman Catholic community moved the church to their own site and, with the financial assistance of their Bishop Paschal, reimbursed the construction costs to the Ukrainian community. The present church, under the patronage of SS. Peter and Paul, was constructed in 1927 on the original church site. Bishop Andrew Roborecki made several visitations to the parish and last served a Pontifical Moleben in the church on September 21, 1975.
The church is a rectangular wooden structure on a low concrete basement measuring 30 x 20 feet. It has a shingled gable roof with two metal crosses extending above its front and back summits. The exterior and interior walls have narrow wood (v-joint) siding and contain rectangular windows with sharply arched tops; the window directly above the front entrance has a semicircular summit.
The church is west-east oriented with an east main entrance leading directly into the nave; a stairway at the north wall of the nave leads to the choir loft. The west sanctuary is elevated and has a south adjoining porch-sacristy with an exit to the church grounds. Painted in oils directly on the sanctuary walls are three large paintings: the painting behind the main altar depicts the Last Supper; Christ the Redeemer is portrayed on the north wall; the south wall contains the images of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul. This artwork was done in 1941 by Peter Leskowski and was funded by: Stephanie Klimchuk, Nellie Bobun, Katherine Harach, Katherine Roshko, Mary Bahniuk, Katherine Duma, Alexandra Gresiuk, Mary Kostynsky, Anastasia Wawryniuk, Ann Zaieschuk, Anasia Toporowski, Ann Shurma, Katherine Humen, Mary Klimchuk, Helen Goldy, Katherine J. Bohun, Katherine N. Bohun, Mary Malicky, Mary Toporowski, Molly Boricki, Theodore and Theodozia Zaieschuk, William and Stephanie Klimchuk.
The church interior is dominated by a vaulted ceiling; the floor of the church is wooden; wooden pews in the nave provide seating for approx. 40 persons. The church is lighted by candles and heated by a wood burning heater. Construction of the church was realized through the financial contributions and voluntary labour of the parishioners who also worked voluntarily in landscaping the church site., planting a shelterbelt, and designating a location on the site for a cemetery. Foreman of the construction was Wasyl (William) Klimchuk. The church site was donated by Yakiv Klimchuk.
In 1948 a post bell tower with a pyramidal roof was installed near the church. The bell was blessed by Rev. Myron Pylypchuk. Adjacent to it stands a large wooden cross. The parish cemetery lies in continuation of the church property.
Ukrainian settlement in this area began in 1908 predominantly from the Sokal county. The founding members of the parish were: Yakiv Klimchuk, Yosyf Klimchuk, Wasyi Klimchuk, Mykhaylo Toporiwski, Luts Toporiwski, Wasyi Kuchera, Ivan Duma, Fedir (Theodore) Zaieschuk and Mykhaylo Yaroshko. The first pastors to administer to the spiritual needs of the settlers were: Rev. Ksenophont Rozdolski, Rev. Nicholas Demkiw and Rev. Nestor Dromhomyrecki.
In 1941 the parish registered 17 members with 43 children (Prop. Knyha), in 1961 there were 50 souls (Directory) and in 1975, 11 families and three single members were accounted for. In 1976 the parish was under the directorship of: Rev. Roman Homenko, pastor, Dmytro Bodnarchuk, Mike Gresiuk, Nick Bohun, Walter Bohun, Bronie Hupalo and Slawko Zaiachkowsky.
The Ukrainian Catholic parish of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul, Albertown, is under the pastoral charge of Hafford.
Updated October 2003
Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church of Albertown has stood for over three quarters of a century, in veneration of God and in commemoration of the pioneers who overcame many hardships and built a place of worship for themselves and for succeeding generations.
Since its establishment, many priests have ministered to the needs of the Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic parish. Reverend Dominic Mazun served the longest, for a total of 22 years from 1981-2003. The parish presently has 27 members and is under the charge of the Hafford Pastoral District which is under the directorship of Reverend. Fr. Michael Fedoriv. Victor Hupaelo is parish president, Eddie Hupaelo is vice-president and Walter Bohun is secretary and altar server. Darlene Hupaelo serves as cantor.
The church follows the Julian calendar with Praznyk on July 12. the parish praznyk is a very important day for the parish as this is when families and friends return to their roots to renew acquaintances and to remember their loved ones buried in the cemetery.
Parish boundaries have now vanished and we also attend Divine Liturgies in neighboring churches, but Albertown is still is our church.
Updated December 2020
The Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Holy Apostles Ss. Peter and Paul, Albertown, falls under the Deanery of Saskatoon, under the pastoral charge of the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of St. George-Saskatoon, which includes the North Battleford and Hafford District, with Very Reverend Janko Kolosnjaji as Parish Administrator.
Albertown Ss. Peter & Paul Church Cemetery
52°52’16.9″N 107°14’21.3″W
52.871361, -107.239256
Albertown Ss. Peter & Paul Church
52°52’16.9″N 107°14’18.5″W
52.871353, -107.238461
Church Bulletins & Website for St. George's Cathedral-Saskatoon & North Battleford/Hafford District
Deanery (Protopresbyterate) of Saskatoon
DEANERY (Protopresbyterate) OF SASKATOON
Nahachewsky, Very Rev. Ivan,
Vicar-General; Vicar of Eparchial Properties; Rector - Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of St. George, Saskatoon; Military Chaplain
214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon, SK S7M 2K4
Cell: 306-961-1390, Rectory Office: 306-664-3459
Yamniuk, Deacon Myron
10th Street East and Munroe Avenue,
(Church Auditorium) 306-343-0033;
(Res) 1202-11th St. East,
Saskatoon, SK S7H 0G3
Telephone: (Office) 306-343-6516
Lukie, Very Rev. Raymond, CSsR, Pastor
Dnistrian, Rev. Dmytro, CSsR, Assistant Pastor & Missionary
Telephone: Cell: 306-361-1555
Whitkow, Ascension of Our Lord
Administrator-Saskatoon: Dormition District
Saskatoon, Dormition of the Blessed Mother of God
120-105th Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1N2
Telephone:(Church) 306-652-4837;
(Res) 306-477-1704; (Cell) 306-280-2941
Borschiv, Ss. Peter and Paul
Hawryliuke, Sacred Heart
Prud'homme, St. John the Evangelist
Smuts/Prymove, St. John the Baptist
Prince Albert, St. George
770 14th Street West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 3M1
Parish office: 306-763-3645
Parish cell: 306-940-8889
Cell: 306-930-9709
Also Serves:
Alvena, St. Michael
Alvena Farms, Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary
Cudworth, Holy Eucharist (St. Michael’s Haven)
Gronlid, St. Michael
Humboldt, All Saints
Nipawin, All Saints
Rosthern Farms-Adamivka Descent of the Holy Spirit
Rosthern, Ss. Peter and Paul
Sokal, Holy Trinity
St. Julien, Patronage of Blessed Virgin Mary
Tway, Ss. Peter
Wakaw, Sacred Heart
List of Parishes
Albertown - Ss. Peter and Paul
Alticane - St. John the Baptist
Alvena Farms - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Alvena Town - St. Michael the Archangel
Antonivka - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Arran-Vesna -Ss. Peter and Paul
Balcarres - Holy Eucharist (closed)
Bankend - Ascension of Our Lord (closed-no church)
Beaver Dale - Assumption of the BVM
Beckenham -Transfiguration of Our Lord
Bienfait - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed)
Biggar - Sacred Heart (closed)
Birmingham - St. Paraskevia (closed-no church)
Blaine Lake - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (closed)
Bobulynci - Transfiguration of Our Lord
Borshchiv - Ss. Peter and Paul
Broadview - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Bruno - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Buchach - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Buchanan - Descent of the Holy Ghost
Calder - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Candiac - Descent of the Holy Ghost
Carpenter - Ascension of Our Lord
Cecil - Holy Trinity (closed-no church)
Chaplin-Thunder Creek - Ss. Peter and Paul
Chekhiv - Descent of the Holy Ghost
Cudworth Farms -Transfiguration of Our Lord (closed-no church)
Cudworth - Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine
Cudworth Town - Holy Eucharist
Dana - St. John the Baptist (closed & sold)
Dobrowody - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dnipro (Dnieper) - Transfiguration of Our Lord
Dysart - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)
Erwood - Blessed Virgin Mary of Succour (closed-no church)
Estevan - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed & sold)
Fosston - St. John the Baptist (closed-no church)
Glen Elder - Danbury - Holy Eucharist
Glentworth - Assumption of the
Goodeve Town - St. Michael the Archangel
Guernsey - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)
Havryliuke (Prud'homme) - Sacred Heart
Hazel Dell - Ss. Peter and Paul
Hodgeville - Ss. Peter and Paul
Holar (Elfros) - St. Demetrius
Hubbard - Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Closed
Hudson Bay - Holy Eucharist (closed & sold)
Hyas Village - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed-no church)
Insinger Farms - Ss. Peter and Paul
Invermay - Ss. Vladimir and Olga
Janow Corners-Meath Park - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jaroslaw - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Jasmin-Doroshi - Immaculate Conception (closed-no church)
Jasmin - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed-no church)
Jedburgh Village - Ss. Peter and Paul
Kelliher - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Closed
Kelliher - St.Vladimir the Great - Closed
Kindersley - St.John the Baptist (Closed-No Church)
Kipling - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Kovalivka-Tiny - Transfigurartion of our Lord
Krasne - St. John Apostle the Theologian
Kulykiv - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)
Laniwci - St. Volodomyr (2016) - Ascension of our Lord
Lipton-Herzel - Dormition of Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
MacDowall - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed-no church)
Madge Lake (Pelly) St. Michael Camp - Holy Eucharist Church (from Pelly)
Major - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Mamornitz - Virgin of Sorrows Ruthenian Church
Meadow Lake - St. Catherine (closed & sold)
Melfort - Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) [Decommisioned]
Melville - St.George the Martyr
Model Farm - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Montmartre - Ss. Peter and Paul
Moose Jaw - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Nipawin Farms/Silver Pine - Ascension
Nora - Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (closed-no church)
Norquay Farms - Holy Trinity (closed - no church)
Olesha - Sacred Heart of Jesus
Orolow - Descent of the Holy Spirit
Parkerview - St. Nicholas - Closed
Pelly-Holy Eucharist (closed - church moved to Madge Lake, St. Michael's Camp)
Peterson - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed - sold)
Plain View - Descent of the Holy Spirit
Ponass Lake - St. Michael the Archangel
Porcupine Plain - Ss. Peter and Pau (closed & sold)
Preeceville - Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Prud'homme - St. John the Theologian
Radisson - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Rose Valley - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Rosthern Farms - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed)
Rosthern Farms-Adamivka - Descent of the Holy Spirit
Runnymede - Ss. Vladimir and Olga (closed-no church)
Samburg - St. John the Baptist
Saskatoon - Dormition of the Blessed Mother of God
Saskatoon - St. Volodymyr Villa Chapel
Saskatoon - Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of St. George
Saskatoon - Ukrainian Park - Pike Lake - St. Volodymyr Memorial Church
Sheho Farms - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sheho Village - Christ the King
Shipman Rural - Ss. Peter and Paul
Sich-Krydor - St. Michael's (Demolished 2018; Cemetery only)
Smuts/Prymove - St. John the Baptist
St. Julien - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Pokrov)
St. Philip's - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)
Stenen - St. Nicholas (closed-no church)
Stornoway Cemetery (closed-no church)
Stove Creek - St. Elias (closed-no church)
Swift Current - St. John the Baptist (closed & sold)
Tadmore - St. John the Baptist
Tuffnell Village - Holy Trinity (Decommissioned)
Tway Farms - St. Paraskevia (closed-no church)
Tway Town - Ss. Peter and Paul
Vasyliw - Ss. Constantine and Helena
Verigin - St. Nicholas (closed-no church)
Wadena - Descent of the Holy Spirit
Watrous - Holy Mother of God (closed-no church)
Watson - St. George (closed-no church)
Welechko - Presenation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Whitebeech - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Whitesand - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Whitkow - Ascension of Our Lord
Willowbrook - Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wishart Farms - St. Michael the Archangel
Wishart Town - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wolverine - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wroxton-Farms - Ss. Vladimir and Olga
Wroxton-Village - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed-no church)
Yellow Creek - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (No church; cemetery only)