Church of St. Demetrius constructed 1948 and relocated 1964 at the Shrine of Sorrow Site near Cudworth.

CUDWORTH — The church of St. Demetrius was the second church of the parish and presently is the pilgrimage church at the Shrine of Sorrow of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Members of the St. Demetrius parish constructed the first church in 1911 amidst the hills and small forests of the three acre site five miles east of Alvena. The church was a small rectangular structure with a small six-sided tower dome at the center of the gable roof. A wood post bell tower stood nearby. Construction of the church was under the foremanship ofFavlo Kukurudza. The combined church and cemetery site was donated by Ivan Pidskalny. In time the parish outgrew the facilities of the church and in 1947 the church was dismantled. Since the original church site was not accessible, the second church was constructed two miles east of the first church on land donated by Vasyi’ Symak.

The present church, constructed in 1948 utilizing some of the salvaged material of the first church, is a rectangular structure measuring 54 x 30 feet with a shingled gable roof centrally apexed by a cross. Archbishop Basil Ladyka blessed the church in the year of its construction. In 1964 the church was moved to the Shrine of Sorrow and was attached to the chapel already present on the site; it was then altered to meet the needs of holy services served in a pilgrimage church. Almost every year, during the pilgrimage days, Bishop Andrew Roborecki has celebrated Divine Liturgy in this church.


Ukrainian settlers arrived in the St. Demetrius parish district in 1900 from the Borshchiv county. The parish was founded in 1910 by the following members:

Pavlo Kukurudza, Yakiv Shawaducki, Mykhaylo Stad-nyk, Mykhaylo Romanko, Vasyi’ Kuzminchuk, Fed. Kowalenko, Yahiv Ivanuch, Petro Symak, Ivan Kapa-cila, Ivan Pidskalny, Nykola Zmud, Vasyi’ Bilorosiuk, Prokip Zabrocky, Mykhaylo Diakiw, Maksym Zmud and Ivan Pidskalny (there were two). The first pastor to visit the settlers was Rev. Paul Sulatycki.


In 1941 the parish registered 20 members with 30 children (Prop. Knyha), in 1961 there were 15 souls. In 1964, the year the church was relocated at the Shrine of Sorrow, the parish was liquidated and the remaining parishioners registered to the parishes at Cudworth, Wakaw and Alvena.


The Ukrainian Catholic parish of St. Demetrius, Cudworth (also known as Kolo Pidskal’noho because of the original church site), was under the pastoral charge of Cudworth.


 The Shrine of Sorrow site encompasses twenty acres of land two miles south of Cudworth. Initially the faithful of this area installed a commemorative cross on the hill where they, in their difficult first years of settlement, assembled to join in prayers. In 1948 during the pastorate of Rev. Cyryl Lotocki, Stations of the Cross were added to the site. Later, a chapel was constructed in which the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows was placed; the statue was blessed in July 1949 by Archbishop Basil Ladyka. The St. Demetrius parish church was moved to the site and joined to this chapel in 1964. In 1960 during the pastorate of Rev. Jerome Lashkewich roads were constructed and new Stations of the Cross were installed.


Pilgrimages at the Shrine of Sorrows are held annually from Thursday to Sunday on the tenth week following the feastday of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Approximately three thousand pilgrims participate annually from Saskatchewan and other Eparchies in Canada.


Albertown - Ss. Peter and Paul

Albertown Church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1927 near Hafford; R.M. 435.

Alticane - St.John the Baptist

Alticane Church of St. John the Baptist constructed 1939, 5 miles west and 16 miles north of Hafford; R.M. 466.

Antonivka - Assumption of the BVM

Antonivka Church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. constructed 1906, 6 miles north ofCanora; R.M. 304.


Church of St. John the Baptist constructed 1925 in northerly Arran; R.M. 301.

Arran-Vesna church of Ss. Peter and Paul constructed 1961 near Arran; R.M. 301.

Balcarres - Holy Eucharist (closed)

Bankend - Ascension of Our Lord

Bobulynci - Transfiguration of Our Lord

Bobulynci Church of the Transfiguration constructed 1931, 20 miles north of Wadena; R.M. 367.

Beaver Dale - Assumption of the BVM

Church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. constructed 1950-1953, 4 miles south of Jedburgh; R.M. 245.

Beckenham -Transfiguration of Our Lord

Beckenham church of the Transfiguration constructed 1940-1944, 9 miles north-west of Parkerview; R.M. 246.

Bedfordville - St. Nicholas

Stanyslavtsi church of St. Nicholas constructed 1951, 10 miles south-west of Ituna; R.M. 246.

Bienfait - Ss. Peter and Paul

SS. Peter and Paul church acquired and reconstructed 1958-1962 in central Bienfait; R.M. 4.

Biggar - Sacred Heart (closed)

Biggar church of the Sacred Heart constructed 1952-1971; R.M. 347.

Birmingham - St. Paraskevia

Church of St. Paraskevia constructed 1910, 'A miles south-west of Birmingham; R.M.215.

Blaine Lake - Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Blaine Lake acquired in 1947; R.M. 434.

Bodnari - Ss. Peter and Paul

Bodnari church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1936, 7 miles north-east of Vonda; R.M. 372.

Borshchiv - Ss. Peter and Paul

Borshchiv church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1947, 8'A miles south of Prud'homme; R.M. 372.

Broadview - Assumption of the BVM

Brooksby - St. Nicholas

Church of St. Nicholas constructed 1912 near Brooksby; R.M. 458.

Bruno - Assumption of the BVM

Bruno church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. constructed 1970-1971; R.M. 370. 

Buchanan - Holy Ghost

Church of the Descent of the Holy Ghost constructed 1957-1958 in north-easterly Buchanan; R.M. 304.

Calder - Assumption of the BVM

Candiac - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Descent of the Holy Ghost constructed 1913, 3-1/2 miles south of Candiac; R.M. 126.

Canora - Saints Peter and Paul

Church of the Holy Apostle SS. Peter and Paul in Canora constructed 1960-1964.

Carpenter - Ascension of Our Lord

Carpenter-Hory Church of the Ascension constructed 1904, 4 miles east of Carpenter; R.M. 402.

Cecil - Holy Trinity

Church of the Holy Trinity constructed 1945-1946, 9 miles east of Prince Albert; R.M. 461.

Chaplin-Thunder Creek - Saints Peter and Paul

Church of  Ss. Peter and Paul constructed 1943-1944, 10 miles north-east of Chaplin; R.M. 194.

Chekhiv - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Chekhiv church of the Holy Ghost constructed 1906, 6 miles south-west of Preeceville; R.M. 334.

Dana - St. John the Baptist

Dana church of St. John the Baptist constructed 1945; R.M. 371.

Dnipro -Transfiguration of Our Lord

Church of the Transfiguration constructed 1931, 9 miles north of Rhein. R.M. 273.

Dysart - Holy Eucharist

Dysart church of the Holy Eucharist constructed 1957; R.M. 217.

Estevan - Assumption of the BVM

Church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. acquired 1960, located in south-easterly Estevan; R.M. 5.

Fenwood - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of Ss. Peter and Paul constructed 1937, 3'/2 miles south-west of Fenwood; R.M. 215.

Foam Lake - Holy Eucharist

Church of the Holy Eucharist constructed 1964-1965 in central Foam Lake; R.M. 276.

Fosston - St. John the Baptist

Church of St. John the Baptist constructed 1937 in south-westerly Fosston; R.M. 367.

Glen Elder - Danbury - Holy Eucharist

GLEN ELDER — The church of the Holy Eucharist is the first church of the parish.

Glentworth - Assumption of the BVM

Church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. constructed 1926, 4'/i miles north of Glentworth; R.M.44.


Goodeve Farms - Church of the Holy Trinity constructed 1940, 8 miles north of Goodeve; R.M. 245.

Goodeve Town - Church of St. Michael the Archangel constructed 1934 in north-easterly Goodeve; R.M. 215.

Grenfell - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1923 in north-easterly Grenfell; R.M. 155.

Gronlid - St. Michael

Church of St. Michael constructed 1949-1951 near Gronlid; R.M. 458.

Guernsey - Holy Eucharist

Guernsey church of the Holy Eucharist constructed 1925, closed 1974; R.M. 310.

Hafford - Holy Eucharist

Church of the Holy Eucharist constructed 1917 in easterly Hafford; R.M. 435.

Havryliuke - Sacred Heart

Havryliuky church of the Sacred Heart constructed 1928, 6 miles south-east of Prud'homme; R.M. 372.

Hazel Dell - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1944-1948 in Hazel Dell; R.M. 335.

High Tor - Sacred Heart

High Tor church of the Sacred Heart constructed 1936, 18 miles south ot Porcupine Plain; R.M. 366.

Hodgeville - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1964-1969, 12 miles south-east of Hodgeville; R.M. 105.

Holar - St. Demetrius

Holar church of St. Demetrius constructed 1952, 22 miles south-east of Wynyard; R.M. 277.

Hryhoriv - St. Demetrius

Hryhoriv church of St. Demetrius constructed 1932, 10 miles south-west of Preeceville; R.M. 334.


Church of the Holy Spirit constructed 1910, 4 miles north-east of Hubbard; R.M. 246.

Hubbard church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross constructed 1953-1955; R.M. 216.

Hudson Bay - Holy Eucharist

Church of the Holy Eucharist constructed 1966-1967 in southerly Hudson Bay; R.M. 944.

Humboldt- All Saints

Humboldt church of All Saints constructed 1950; R.M. 370.

Hyas Village - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit constructed 1954 in southerly Hyas; R.M. 303.

Insinger Farms - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of Ss. Peter and Paul constructed 1910-1913, 5 miles north of Insinger; R.M. 275.

Ituna - Sacred Heart

Church of the Sacred Heart constructed 1963 in north-westerly Ituna; R.M. 246.

Jaroslaw - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jaroslaw church of the Nativity of the B.V.M. constructed 1903. 9 mile.s .south-west of Yorkton; R.M. 244.

Jasmin-Doroshi - Immaculate Conception

Church of the Immaculate Conception constructed 1950, 10 miles north-west of Ituna; R.M. 246.

Jasmin - Ss. Peter and Paul

JASMIN — The church of SS. Peter and Paul is the first church of the parish.

Jedburgh Village - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1948 in Jedburgh; R.M. 245.

Kamsack - St.Josaphat

Church of St. Josaphat the Martyr constructed 1947 in central Kamsack; R.M. 271.

Kelliher - St.Volodymr

St. Vladimir church in northerly Kelliher constructed 1967; R.M. 247.

Kindersley - St.John the Baptist

Church of St. John the Baptist constructed 1944, 10 miles south and 3 miles west of Kindersley; R.M. 290.

Kipling - Presentation of the BVM (closed)

Church of the Presentation of the B.V.M. constructed in Kipling in 1916; R.M. 124.

Kovalivka-Tiny - Transfiguartion of our Lord

Kovalivka church of the Transfiguration constructed 1933, 3'/2 miles north of Tiny; R.M. 304.

Krasne - St. John the Apostle

Krasne church of St. John the Theologian constructed 1940-1941, 14 miles south of Wynyard; R.M. 30X.

Krydor - Sacred Heart

Church of the Sacred Heart constructed 1947-1948 in Krydor; R.M.435.

Kulykiv - Holy Eucharist (closed)

Kulykiv church of the Holy Eurcharist constructed 1932-1935, 7'/4 miles north of Invermay; R.M. 305.

Kuroki - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1952 in westerly Kuroki; R.M. 336.

Kyziv-Tiaziv - St. Demetrius

Tiaziv church of St. Demetrius constructed 1928, 8 miles south of Rama; R.M. 305.

Macdowall - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed)

Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit constructed 1946-1947 at MacDowall; R.M. 463.

Major - Patronage of the BVM (closed)

Mamornitz - Virgin of Sorrows Ruthenian Church

Maybridge - St. Nicholas

Maybridge church of St. Nicholas constructed 1944, 9 miles north-west ofArran; R.M. 331.

Meacham - Ascension

Meadow Lake - St. Catherine (closed)

Church of St. Catherine constructed 1957-1958 in south-easterly Meadow Lake; P.M. 980.

Meath Park - Assumption of the BVM (closed)

Melfort - Holy Spirit

Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit constructed 1954 in south-easterly Melfort; R.M. 428.

Melville - St.George's

The Church of St. George the Martyr constructed 1939 in easterly Melville; P.M. 214.

Model Farm - Patronage of the BVM

Model Farm church of the Patronage of the B.V.M. constructed 1933, '/z mile east of West Bend; R.M. 276.

Montmartre - Ss. Peter and Paul

The Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul church in Montmartre constructed 1950-1952 on Hwy. 16; R.M. 126.

Moose Jaw - Dormition of the BVM

Church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. constructed 1964-1965 in Moose Jaw; R.M. 161.

North Battleford - All Saints

All Saints church constructed 1949-1953 at 920-l08th St., North Battleford.

Nora - Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (closed)

Olesha - Sacred Heart of Jesus

Olesha Church of the Sacred heart constructed 1924, 8 miles north of Buchanan; R,M.304.

Ormside-Ss. Vladimir and Olga (closed)

Church of Ss. Vladimir and Olga constructed 1944, 18 miles north-east of Preeceville; R.M. 334.

Orlow - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Orlow church of the Holy Spirit constructed 1910, 12 miles south of Krydor; R.M. 435.

Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine

Church of St. Demetrius constructed 1948 and relocated 1964 at the Shrine of Sorrow Site near Cudworth.

Parkerview - St. Nicholas

Parkerview church of St. Nicholas constructed 1944; R.M. 245.

Pelly-Holy Eucharist

Church of the Holy Eucharist constructed 1948 in westerly Pelly; R.M. 301.

Peterson - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed)

Plain View - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit constructed 1934 in Plain View; R.M. 215.

Podillia - Ss. Peter and Paul Cemetery - (No Church-closed)

Ponass Lake - St. Michael the Archangel

Church of St. Michael the Archangel constructed 1910-1911, 12 miles west and 10 miles north of Wadena; R.M. 367.

Porcupine Plain - Ss. Peter and Paul

Church of the Holy Apostles SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1970-1973 in Porcupine Plain; R.M. 395.

Prince Albert - St. George

Preeceville - Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Preeceville church of the Transfiguration constructed 1940; R.M. 334.

Rama - Saints Peter and Paul

Church of SS. Peter and Paul constructed 1936-1939 in northerly Rama on Hwy. 5; R.M. 305.

Prud'homme - St. John the Theologian

Church of St. John the Theologian constructed 1945 in north-westerly Prud'homme; R.M. 372.


Church of St. Basil the Great constructed 1959-1960 at 1747 Toronto St., Regina.

St. Athanasius the Great church and parish center project in Regina.

Rose Valley - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Rose Valley church of the Assumption of the B.V.M. constructed 1958-1960 on Hwy. 35; R.M. 367.

Runnymede - Ss. Vladimir and Olga

RUNNYMEDE — The church of SS. Vladimir and Olga was the first church of the paris.

Radisson - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Radisson Church of the Patronage of the B.V.M. constructed 1955-1956; R.M. 405.

Buchach - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed)

Buchach church of the Patronage of the B.V.M. constructed 1913, 4 miles south-west of Hazel Dell; R.M. 335.

List of Parishes

Albertown - Ss. Peter and Paul

Alticane - St. John the Baptist

Alvena Farms - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Alvena Town - St. Michael the Archangel

Antonivka - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Arran - St. John the Baptist

Arran-Vesna -Ss. Peter and Paul

Balcarres - Holy Eucharist (closed)

Bankend - Ascension of Our Lord (closed-no church)

Beaver Dale - Assumption of the BVM

Beckenham -Transfiguration of Our Lord

Bedfordville - St. Nicholas

Bienfait - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed)

Biggar - Sacred Heart (closed)

Birmingham - St. Paraskevia (closed-no church)

Blaine Lake - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (closed)

Bobulynci - Transfiguration of Our Lord

Bodnari - Ss. Peter and Paul

Borshchiv - Ss. Peter and Paul

Broadview - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Brooksby - St. Nicholas

Bruno - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Bruno Farms - Holy Trinity 

Buchach - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Buchanan - Descent of the Holy Ghost

Calder - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Candiac - Descent of the Holy Ghost 

Canora - Ss. Peter and Paul

Carpenter - Ascension of Our Lord 

Cecil - Holy Trinity (closed-no church)

Chaplin-Thunder Creek - Ss. Peter and Paul

Chekhiv - Descent of the Holy Ghost

Cudworth Farms -Transfiguration of Our Lord (closed-no church)

Cudworth - Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine

Cudworth Town - Holy Eucharist

Dana - St. John the Baptist (closed & sold)

Dobrowody - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dnipro (Dnieper) - Transfiguration of Our Lord 

Dysart - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)

Erwood - Blessed Virgin Mary of Succour (closed-no church)

Estevan - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed & sold)

Fenwood - Ss. Peter and Paul

Foam Lake - Holy Eucharist

Fosston - St. John the Baptist (closed-no church)

Glen Elder - Danbury - Holy Eucharist 

Glentworth - Assumption of the

Goodeve Farms - Holy Trinity 

Goodeve Town - St. Michael the Archangel 

Grenfell - Ss. Peter and Paul

Gronlid - St. Michael

Guernsey - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)

Hafford - Holy Eucharist

Havryliuke (Prud'homme) - Sacred Heart

Hazel Dell - Ss. Peter and Paul 

High Tor - Sacred Heart 

Hodgeville - Ss. Peter and Paul

Holar (Elfros) - St. Demetrius

Hryhoriv - St. Demetrius 

Hubbard - Holy Spirit

Hubbard - Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Closed

Hudson Bay - Holy Eucharist (closed & sold)

Humboldt- All Saints

Hyas Village - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed-no church)

Insinger - St. Nicholas

Insinger Farms - Ss. Peter and Paul 

Invermay - Ss. Vladimir and Olga

Ituna - Sacred Heart

Janow Corners-Meath Park - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Jaroslaw - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Jasmin-Doroshi - Immaculate Conception (closed-no church)

Jasmin - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed-no church)

Jedburgh Village - Ss. Peter and Paul

Kamsack - St.Josaphat

Kelliher - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Closed

Kelliher - St.Vladimir the Great - Closed

Kindersley - St.John the Baptist (Closed-No Church)

Kipling - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Kovalivka-Tiny - Transfigurartion of our Lord

Krasne - St. John Apostle the Theologian

Krydor - Sacred Heart

Kulykiv - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)

Kuroki - Ss. Peter and Paul

Kyziv-Tiaziv - St. Demetrius

Lanigan Farms - Sacred Heart

Laniwci - St. Volodomyr (2016) - Ascension of our Lord

Lipton-Herzel - Dormition of Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

MacDowall - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed-no church)

Madge Lake (Pelly) St. Michael Camp - Holy Eucharist Church (from Pelly)

Major - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Mamornitz - Virgin of Sorrows Ruthenian Church

Maybridge - St. Nicholas

Meacham - Ascension 

Meadow Lake - St. Catherine (closed & sold)

Melfort - Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) [Decommisioned]

Melville - St.George the Martyr

Model Farm - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Montmartre - Ss. Peter and Paul

Moose Jaw - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nipawin Farms/Silver Pine - Ascension 

Nipawin Town - All Saints

Nora - Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (closed-no church)

Norquay - Sacred Heart

Norquay Farms - Holy Trinity (closed - no church)

North Battleford - All Saints

Olesha - Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ormside-Ss. Vladimir and Olga

Orolow - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Parkerview - St. Nicholas - Closed

Pelly-Holy Eucharist (closed - church moved to Madge Lake, St. Michael's Camp)

Peterson - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed - sold)

Plain View - Descent of the Holy Spirit 

Ponass Lake - St. Michael the Archangel

Porcupine Plain - Ss. Peter and Pau (closed & sold)

Preeceville - Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Prince Albert - St. George

Prud'homme - St. John the Theologian

Radisson - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Rama - Saints Peter and Paul

Regina - St. Athanasius

Regina - St. Basil the Great

Roadside Chapel near Rosthern

Rose Valley - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Rosthern - SS. Peter and Paul

Rosthern Farms - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed)

Rosthern Farms-Adamivka - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Runnymede - Ss. Vladimir and Olga (closed-no church)

Samburg - St. John the Baptist

Saskatoon - Dormition of the Blessed Mother of God

Saskatoon - Ss. Peter & Paul

Saskatoon - St. Volodymyr Villa Chapel

Saskatoon - Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of St. George

Saskatoon - Ukrainian Park - Pike Lake - St. Volodymyr Memorial Church

Sheho Farms - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sheho Village - Christ the King

Shipman Rural - Ss. Peter and Paul

Sich-Krydor - St. Michael's (Demolished 2018; Cemetery only)

Smuts/Prymove - St. John the Baptist

Sokal - Holy Trinity

Speers - Ss. Peter and Paul

St. Julien - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Pokrov)

St. Philip's - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Stenen - St. Nicholas (closed-no church)

Stornoway Cemetery (closed-no church)

Stove Creek - St. Elias (closed-no church)

Swan Plain - Ascension

Swift Current - St. John the Baptist (closed & sold)

Tadmore - St. John the Baptist

Tribune - Holy Family

Tuffnell Village - Holy Trinity (Decommissioned)

Tway Farms - St. Paraskevia (closed-no church)

Tway Town - Ss. Peter and Paul

Uhryniv - St. Nicholas 

Vasyliw - Ss. Constantine and Helena

Verigin - St. Nicholas (closed-no church)

Vonda - Sacred Heart

Wadena - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Wakaw - Sacred Heart

Watrous - Holy Mother of God (closed-no church)

Watson - St. George (closed-no church)

Weekes - St. Nicholas 

Welechko - Presenation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Weyburn - Holy Trinity

Whitebeech - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Whitesand - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Whitkow - Ascension of Our Lord 

Willowbrook - Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Wishart Farms - St. Michael the Archangel 

Wishart Town - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Wolverine - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Wroxton-Farms - Ss. Vladimir and Olga

Wroxton-Village - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed-no church)

Wynyard - Sacred Heart

Yellow Creek - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (No church; cemetery only)

Yorkton - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (St. Mary's)