Wroxton-Farms – Ss. Vladimir and Olga (closed)



Church of SS. Vladimir and Olga constructed 1909, 2’A miles north of Wroxton; R.M. 241.

WROXTON — The church of SS. Vladimir and Olga is the first church of the parish.

The church was constructed in 1909 on a hilly four acre site two and one-half miles north of Wroxton near Highway No. 8. It was reconstructed and renovated in 1949. Bishop Nicetas Budka made four parish visitations and blessed the church in 1913. Subsequent episcopal visitations were made by Archbishop Basil Ladyka in 1935 and Bishop Andrew Roborecki’in 1955. This parish, one of the few in the Eparchy, had the distinguished honour of hosting The Servant of God Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky who celebrated Divine Liturgy in the church on November 14, 1910. There were five vocations to the Sister Servants of Mary Immaculate from the parish: Sisters Rita, Vitalia, Serafyma, Emanuela and Apolonia.

The wooden cruciform structure, 48 x 28 feet, has small lateral projections forming an elongated cross which is 16 feet wide in each arm. Its original central dome was replaced by two small domes above the front towers. The church is oriented east-west with an east elevated main altar and a west choir loft which is entered from the nave. The main entrance is through a gabled adjoining porch-vestibule. The interior contains a vaulted ceiling, a wooden floor and pews which seat approx. 100 persons. Lighting is by candles and heating is by wood. The church was constructed for $1,800 through the voluntary labour of the parishioners, directed by the Semeniulc brothers, on the homestead of Iv. Lutsky (Lucky).

A mission cross near the church dates to 1937, The concrete single bell tower is a replica of one found in the village of Sukhostav, Ukraine, whence came some of the first settlers. Three and a half acres of the site are used for the parish cemetery.

Ukrainian settlers arrived in this area in 1896 from the Horodenka and Husiatyn counties. The founding members of the parish were: Rev. A. Delaere, CSSR, Dm. Wonitoway, Hnat. Dzubinski, V. Shwaga, M. Derbowka, Iliya Bahrey. M. Beck, On. Beck, Ya. Strutynski, N. Salyn, Fed. Swerhun, N. Barabash, N. Malayney, M. Perepeluk, P. Podollan, Iv. Tataryn, Prokip Lushney, On. Schab, Iv. Swerhun, N. Swerhun, Yu. Salyn, M. Salyn, Iv. Lucky, S. Lucky, Fed. Perepeluk, Yu. Bilyk, Hr. Derworiz, Harasym Hyshka, Petro Dubnyk, Iv. Antochow, Hnat. Kereliuk, N. Dubnyk, Iv. Tymchuk, M. Galay, Kyfa Fedoruk, Les Wintonyk, V. Zacharuk, Iv. Zacharuk, Petro Zypchyn, And. Yarosky, V. Minchuk, H. Ninowski, Marian Angelski, H. Metiash, H, Prystayko, H. Deneka, P. Mysko and Iv. Tataryn.

In 1941 there were 60 families with 100 children (Prop. Knyha). In 1961 there were 70 souls (Directory). Beginning in 1965, the parishioners registered in neighbouring parishes, particularly the Wroxton-village parish. Holy services in this church are held annually on the feastday of the church patron.

The Ukrainian Catholic parish ofSS. Vladimir and Olga, Wroxton, continues to remain under the pastoral charge of Melville.

Wroxton-Farms Ss. Vladimir and Olga Church

51°15’37.0″N 101°53’21.5″W

51.260267, -101.889311

Wroxton-Farms Ss. Vladimir and Olga Cemetery

51°15’39.7″N 101°53’24.2″W

51.261036, -101.890058

List of Parishes

Albertown - Ss. Peter and Paul

Alticane - St. John the Baptist

Alvena Farms - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Alvena Town - St. Michael the Archangel

Antonivka - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Arran - St. John the Baptist

Arran-Vesna -Ss. Peter and Paul

Balcarres - Holy Eucharist (closed)

Bankend - Ascension of Our Lord (closed-no church)

Beaver Dale - Assumption of the BVM

Beckenham -Transfiguration of Our Lord

Bedfordville - St. Nicholas

Bienfait - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed)

Biggar - Sacred Heart (closed)

Birmingham - St. Paraskevia (closed-no church)

Blaine Lake - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (closed)

Bobulynci - Transfiguration of Our Lord

Bodnari - Ss. Peter and Paul

Borshchiv - Ss. Peter and Paul

Broadview - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Brooksby - St. Nicholas

Bruno - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Bruno Farms - Holy Trinity 

Buchach - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Buchanan - Descent of the Holy Ghost

Calder - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Candiac - Descent of the Holy Ghost 

Canora - Ss. Peter and Paul

Carpenter - Ascension of Our Lord 

Cecil - Holy Trinity (closed-no church)

Chaplin-Thunder Creek - Ss. Peter and Paul

Chekhiv - Descent of the Holy Ghost

Cudworth Farms -Transfiguration of Our Lord (closed-no church)

Cudworth - Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine

Cudworth Town - Holy Eucharist

Dana - St. John the Baptist (closed & sold)

Dobrowody - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dnipro (Dnieper) - Transfiguration of Our Lord 

Dysart - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)

Erwood - Blessed Virgin Mary of Succour (closed-no church)

Estevan - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed & sold)

Fenwood - Ss. Peter and Paul

Foam Lake - Holy Eucharist

Fosston - St. John the Baptist (closed-no church)

Glen Elder - Danbury - Holy Eucharist 

Glentworth - Assumption of the

Goodeve Farms - Holy Trinity 

Goodeve Town - St. Michael the Archangel 

Grenfell - Ss. Peter and Paul

Gronlid - St. Michael

Guernsey - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)

Hafford - Holy Eucharist

Havryliuke (Prud'homme) - Sacred Heart

Hazel Dell - Ss. Peter and Paul 

High Tor - Sacred Heart 

Hodgeville - Ss. Peter and Paul

Holar (Elfros) - St. Demetrius

Hryhoriv - St. Demetrius 

Hubbard - Holy Spirit

Hubbard - Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Closed

Hudson Bay - Holy Eucharist (closed & sold)

Humboldt- All Saints

Hyas Village - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed-no church)

Insinger - St. Nicholas

Insinger Farms - Ss. Peter and Paul 

Invermay - Ss. Vladimir and Olga

Ituna - Sacred Heart

Janow Corners-Meath Park - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Jaroslaw - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Jasmin-Doroshi - Immaculate Conception (closed-no church)

Jasmin - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed-no church)

Jedburgh Village - Ss. Peter and Paul

Kamsack - St.Josaphat

Kelliher - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Closed

Kelliher - St.Vladimir the Great - Closed

Kindersley - St.John the Baptist (Closed-No Church)

Kipling - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Kovalivka-Tiny - Transfigurartion of our Lord

Krasne - St. John Apostle the Theologian

Krydor - Sacred Heart

Kulykiv - Holy Eucharist (closed-no church)

Kuroki - Ss. Peter and Paul

Kyziv-Tiaziv - St. Demetrius

Lanigan Farms - Sacred Heart

Laniwci - St. Volodomyr (2016) - Ascension of our Lord

Lipton-Herzel - Dormition of Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

MacDowall - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed-no church)

Madge Lake (Pelly) St. Michael Camp - Holy Eucharist Church (from Pelly)

Major - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Mamornitz - Virgin of Sorrows Ruthenian Church

Maybridge - St. Nicholas

Meacham - Ascension 

Meadow Lake - St. Catherine (closed & sold)

Melfort - Descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) [Decommisioned]

Melville - St.George the Martyr

Model Farm - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Montmartre - Ss. Peter and Paul

Moose Jaw - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nipawin Farms/Silver Pine - Ascension 

Nipawin Town - All Saints

Nora - Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ (closed-no church)

Norquay - Sacred Heart

Norquay Farms - Holy Trinity (closed - no church)

North Battleford - All Saints

Olesha - Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ormside-Ss. Vladimir and Olga

Orolow - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Parkerview - St. Nicholas - Closed

Pelly-Holy Eucharist (closed - church moved to Madge Lake, St. Michael's Camp)

Peterson - Descent of the Holy Spirit (closed - sold)

Plain View - Descent of the Holy Spirit 

Ponass Lake - St. Michael the Archangel

Porcupine Plain - Ss. Peter and Pau (closed & sold)

Preeceville - Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Prince Albert - St. George

Prud'homme - St. John the Theologian

Radisson - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Rama - Saints Peter and Paul

Regina - St. Athanasius

Regina - St. Basil the Great

Roadside Chapel near Rosthern

Rose Valley - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Rosthern - SS. Peter and Paul

Rosthern Farms - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed)

Rosthern Farms-Adamivka - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Runnymede - Ss. Vladimir and Olga (closed-no church)

Samburg - St. John the Baptist

Saskatoon - Dormition of the Blessed Mother of God

Saskatoon - Ss. Peter & Paul

Saskatoon - St. Volodymyr Villa Chapel

Saskatoon - Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of St. George

Saskatoon - Ukrainian Park - Pike Lake - St. Volodymyr Memorial Church

Sheho Farms - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Sheho Village - Christ the King

Shipman Rural - Ss. Peter and Paul

Sich-Krydor - St. Michael's (Demolished 2018; Cemetery only)

Smuts/Prymove - St. John the Baptist

Sokal - Holy Trinity

Speers - Ss. Peter and Paul

St. Julien - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Pokrov)

St. Philip's - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (closed-no church)

Stenen - St. Nicholas (closed-no church)

Stornoway Cemetery (closed-no church)

Stove Creek - St. Elias (closed-no church)

Swan Plain - Ascension

Swift Current - St. John the Baptist (closed & sold)

Tadmore - St. John the Baptist

Tribune - Holy Family

Tuffnell Village - Holy Trinity (Decommissioned)

Tway Farms - St. Paraskevia (closed-no church)

Tway Town - Ss. Peter and Paul

Uhryniv - St. Nicholas 

Vasyliw - Ss. Constantine and Helena

Verigin - St. Nicholas (closed-no church)

Vonda - Sacred Heart

Wadena - Descent of the Holy Spirit

Wakaw - Sacred Heart

Watrous - Holy Mother of God (closed-no church)

Watson - St. George (closed-no church)

Weekes - St. Nicholas 

Welechko - Presenation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Weyburn - Holy Trinity

Whitebeech - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Whitesand - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Whitkow - Ascension of Our Lord 

Willowbrook - Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Wishart Farms - St. Michael the Archangel 

Wishart Town - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Wolverine - Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Wroxton-Farms - Ss. Vladimir and Olga

Wroxton-Village - Ss. Peter and Paul (closed-no church)

Wynyard - Sacred Heart

Yellow Creek - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (No church; cemetery only)

Yorkton - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (St. Mary's)