Jun 20, 2018 | Faith Education Materials, Growing Together In Faith, News, Publications
Catholic Press Association – CPA 2018 Award Winners: Novalis Publishing First Place in the Category of Liturgy 26 Ordinary Ways to Live the Liturgy By Glenn Byer 80pp PB 200557 $16.95 26 Ordinary Ways to Live the Liturgy is the first book of the Series, Mass...
Dec 7, 2017 | Faith Education Materials, News, News from the Eparchy, SASK Ukrainian Community News
The Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Christ – Our Pascha, is now available online in English – from Royal Doors! It’s all found in the Catechism—online at Royal Doors: http://catechism.royaldoors.net/. Visit the Royal Doors website,...
Aug 2, 2016 | Documents / Reference, Faith Education Materials, News, Reflections
Dear Friends, Attached please find the interactive, electronic PDF version of Theosis magazine for August 2016. Please tell your friends about Theosis Ezine and encourage them to subscribe at: Theosis Monthly Magazine Sincerely yours in Christ, Jack Figel...
Jul 5, 2016 | Documents / Reference, Faith Education Materials, News
Attached please find the electronic PDF version of Theosis magazine for July 2016. Please tell your friends about Theosis eZine and encourage them to subscribe at: Theosis Monthly Magazine Sincerely yours in Christ, Jack Figel Editor/Publisher ...
Jun 1, 2016 | Documents / Reference, Faith Education Materials
Attached please find the electronic PDF version of Theosis magazine for June 2016. Please tell your friends about Theosis eZine and encourage them to subscribe at: Theosis Monthly Magazine Sincerely yours in Christ, Jack Figel...
Feb 29, 2016 | Documents / Reference, Faith Education Materials
Dear Friends in Christ, For a few years, we have been offering an email subscription service that provides the Byzantine Daily Office as an interactive PDF file. Each evening, for the following day’s proper commemorations, we send three files by email to our...