Sep 30, 2016 | Canadian National News, News, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
A report of His Beatitude Sviatoslav during the banquet on the occasion of carrying Institute Meripolitan Andrey Sheptytsky from Ottawa to Toronto University (September 28, 2016) INFORMATION RESOURCE of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Thursday, 29 September 2016,...
Sep 22, 2016 | News, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
The Resolutions of the Synod of UGCC, 2016 INFORMATION RESOURCE of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church Friday, 16 September 2016, 18:27 Glory be to the holy, consubstantial, life-giving and undivided Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and for the welfare...
Jul 15, 2016 | News from Ukraine, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Ukraine made its choice in favor of European family of nations as early as in Prince Volodymyr’s times – Patriarch Sviatoslav – 11 July 2016, 10:22 | UGCCJuly 11, 2016 It is obvious that in our movement to Europe, we need something to bring to Europe....
Jun 17, 2016 | International News, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Head of the UGCC: «Our task – to pray for those who do not accept the Gospel, do not know God and truth about a human and a family» Monday, 13 June 2016 – In the period from Resurrection to Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the UGCC passes...
May 10, 2016 | Documents / Reference, News, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Kyiv, May 6th 2016 A.D. Prot. N. 16/202 Glory to Jesus Christ! Most Reverend Bishops, Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, Religious Brothers and Sisters Dear Brothers and Sisters! In 2006, as our Church focused on her development and...
May 6, 2016 | News, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH SVIATOSLAV SHEVCHUK MAJOR ARCHBISHOP OF KYIV-HALYCH Prot. N. 16/196 Greeting of His Beatitude Sviatoslav To Canadians of Ukrainian Descent Marking the 125th Anniversary of Ukrainian Settlement in Canada 1891-2016 Dear Brothers...