Oct 4, 2023 | Knights of Columbus, News, Saskatoon Deanery News
Source: https://kofcsask.com/council-11775-saskatoon-celebrates-25th-anniversary/ Congratulations Council 11775 Saskatoon on your 25th Anniversary! It was a pleasure to celebrate with you tonight. -Larry Packet State Deputy Saskatchewan
Feb 8, 2023 | Issues and Causes, Knights of Columbus, News, News from the Eparchy, Regina District News, War in Ukraine
by Peter Folk Source: https://saskkofc.foundation/ukrainian-displaced-persons/ On Sunday, February 5th, 2023, Father Vasyl Tymishak of St. Athanasius Parish in Regina along with brother Knights from Bishop Budka Council 5914 and Monsignor Gerein Council 9859 presented...
Jan 25, 2023 | Apostolic Administrator, Documents / Reference, Knights of Columbus, News, News from the Eparchy
Ref.# 0029 January 9, 2023 Christ is Born! Dear Faithfull members of our Catholic Community, Together with the Archdioceses of Regina and Keewatin Le Pas, the Dioceses of Saskatoon and Prince Albert, and of course our own Eparchy of Saskatoon, I am writing to you...
Nov 18, 2022 | Knights of Columbus, News
When you become a Knight, you are part of a band of brothers rooted in faith.And, as part of the largest Catholic fraternal benefit society in the world, you willalso have exclusive access to premium content such as faith-based e-books, videosand articles...
Apr 29, 2022 | Knights of Columbus, SASK Provincial News
The 100th Annual State Council Meeting of the Knights of Columbus of Saskatchewan held in person at theSaskatoon Inn in Saskatoon, and by Zoom on April 22-24, 2022, was a call for Knights to hold fast to the Catholicprinciples around which the Order was founded 140...