Feb 9, 2023 | Apostolic Administrator, Metropolia of Canada, News, News from the Eparchy
His Grace Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, Metropolitan-Archbishop for Ukrainian Catholics in Canada, on behalf of the Ukrainian Catholic Bishops in Canada, appointed Rev. Julian Bilyj and Rev. Mark Bayrock as Rector and Spiritual Director, respectively, of Holy Spirit...
Sep 9, 2022 | Apostolic Administrator, Canadian National News, International News, Metropolia of Canada, News, News from the Eparchy
UKRAINIAN COMMUNITY MOURNS THE PASSING OF LONGEST REIGNING MONARCH – QUEEN ELIZABETH II We receive the news of the passing of our Queen Elizabeth II with equal measures of sadness and gratitude. Her reign has been one of dignity and courage and...
Aug 12, 2022 | Canadian National News, Issues and Causes, Metropolia of Canada, News, News from the Eparchy, UCREC, UGCC - Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, as the local hierarch in Winnipeg, has officially accepted the request by the Postulator for the cause of the canonisation of Blessed Josaphata Hordashevska to investigate whether a miracle occurred within the Archeparchy through the...