Ref: 2025-01-28-02 MS
re: purchases/renovations made by parish councils
Date: January 28, 2025
To: Clergy and Parish Councils, Eparchy of Saskatoon
From: Bishop Michael Smolinski, C.Ss.R.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform clergy and parish councils of a recent decision made by me and the College of Consultors.
On November 27, 2024, there was a meeting of the Bishop and his consultors, and it was decided to increase the amount that can be spent by parishes on purchases and renovations without seeking the written approval of the bishop.
Effective immediately, a parish must seek the approval of the Eparchial Bishop for financial transactions greater than the following:
- $7500 if the parish has fewer than 75 households, or
- $15000 if the parish has 75 households or more.
Please submit written requests for spending in a timely manner so the Bishop has adequate time to gather his consultors.
Most Rev. Michael Smolinski, C.Ss.R.
Eparch of Saskatoon