Pope Francis’ “Pilgrimage of Penance” to Canada’s First Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples 2022


Day 3 – At the Open Mass – Commonwealth Stadium – Petitions following the Homily….

1. For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, for bishops, priests and all those who hand down to us the faith that our elders received, that with their help and example we may persevere in faithful and joyful witness to the Gospel. We pray to the Lord.

2. For those who hold office and exercise responsibility in our nation and in our communities, that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit and lead us in the ways of goodness and solidarity. We pray to the Lord.

3. For the elderly and in particular for grandparents, that their lives may be a blessing for us all, through their gifts of wisdom, experience and care for our roots. We pray to the Lord.

4. For all of us gathered here, that we may experience a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of life in abundance and walk in the ways of justice and peace. We pray to the Lord.

Source: http://archeparchy.ca/news_details.php?news_id=1177