UCWLC Eparchial Convention – October 28-29, 2017 – Group Photo of Participants

UCWLC Eparchial Archive




[submitted by Doreen Rathgeber  and Marlene Bodnar, Eparchial UCWLC]

{Photos by Don MacKinnon}

Our Home, Our Spirit, Our Future” was the theme of the 36th Eparchial Convention for the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada (UCWLC), Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood of Canada (UCBC) and Ukrainian Catholic Youth (UCY) which was held in Saskatoon, on October 28 and 29, 2017.

Delegates and guests filled St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral for the opening Divine Liturgy co-celebrated with Most Rev. Bryan Bayda, Eparch of Saskatoon, Very Rev.   Janko Kolosnjaji, Pastor of St. George’s Cathedral, Saskatoon and Rev. Warren Dungen, Pastor of St. Josaphat, Kamsack.

Elizabeth Zahayko, President of the Ukrainian Catholic Council of Saskatchewan, welcomed all in attendance and guided the Official Opening of the convention which commenced with the traditional procession of the organizations’ Eparchial and Branch flags. Greetings were brought to the convention by Marion Barszczyk – UCWLC National President, Glen Tymiak – UCBC National Past President, Marlene Bodnar – UCWLC Eparchial President, Bernie Bodnar – UCBC Eparchial Vice-President, Sarah Sawchuk – Eparchial Youth Minister and Chantal Devine – CWL Provincial President-Elect.

Most Reverend Bryan Bayda challenged the delegates with two questions: What has God placed on your heart regarding the convention? How is what we do at this convention a response to God’s love for us?  He directed us to focus on the dynamics of the theme Our Home appreciating the sense of belonging; Our Spirit animating the Holy Spirit who is present in our hearts, extended family and our organizations; Our Future witnessing the Joy of Loving as directed by the Holy Father.

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Livestream Link by Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert of Guest Speaker – Teresa Makowecki»»




Past President:  Elizabeth Zahayko
President:  Marlene Bodnar
1st Vice President:  Loretta Yaganiski
2nd Vice President:  Gladys Rogalski
3rd Vice President:  Patrice Detz
Secretary: Iris Owchar
Treasurer:  Sharon Hader
Constitution:  Marusia Kobrynsky, Oristeen Kulyk


Spiritual Development: Tamara Hrechuch
Social Action: Geraldine Koban
Cultural/Education: Elizabeth Zahayko
Organizational: Eileen Yaworski
Membership: Gayle Lockert
Public Relations/Website:Doreen Rathgeber
Archives:  Sandra Fedoruk, Eileen Yaworski
Inventory: Marie Woytowich
Nasha Doroha: Olga Kiryluk
Museum Financial Support: Angeline Chrusch
Outreach Ukraine: Jayne Paluck, Oristeen Kullyk
Audit Chair: Ange Gretchen
Audit Committee: Rose Hill,  Margaret Scott
Members at Large: Nadia Trafananko, Roberta Pobran
BBESSI Representative: Ange Gretchen

Eparchial UCWLC Mini-Conference
at Shrine of Blessed Nun Martyrs Olympia and Laurentia
September 17, 2016


On September 17, 2016 the Eparchial UCWLC held a mini-conference in Saskatoon for the three UCWLC branches in the city.  Over 60 ladies attended this event. The program for this event was:

10:00 AM – Welcome – Marlene Bodnar

10:15 AM – Maleben – Fr. Ivan Nahachewsky

10:30 AM – Spiritual Presentation – Sr.Sophia & Barbara Bodnarchuk

NOON – Lunch

1:00 PM – Organizational Matters – Sandra Fedoruk

2:00 PM – Social Action Presentation – Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia – A Catholic Perspective – Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert

01-participants-sept-17-2016 02-participants-sept-17-2016 03-participants-sept-17-2016 04-sister-sophia-sept-17-2016

Eparchy of Saskatoon delegates
at the 25th Congress of the UCWLC
hosted by the Archeparchy of Winnipeg
June 30 to July 2, 2016

UCWLC Delegates from Eparchy of Saskatoon

Eparchy of Saskatoon delegates at the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the UCWLC
hosted by the Archeparchy of Winnipeg, June 30 to July 2, 2016
The theme for the congress was: “Blessed are the Merciful”

Celebrating 60 Years – A Tribute to the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada

[Photo taken by Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert]

UCWLC at Musee Ukrainia Museum Gala-Apr. 10 2016

UCWLC members attend Musée Ukraina Museum’s 60th Anniversary Gala
Sunday, April 10, 2016 – Saskatoon Travelodge

Installation of 2016-2017 Eparchial UCWLC
– Saskatoon – St. Joseph’s Nursing Home
Saturday, December 5, 2015

[Photos taken by Teresa Bodnar-Hiebert]

- Installation Ceremony of Eparchial UCWLC Executive –

                                   – Installation Ceremony of Eparchial UCWLC Executive –



- Lighting of the Candles at the Installation Ceremony of Eparchial Executive -

                – Lighting of the Candles at the Installation Ceremony of Eparchial Executive –

2016-2017 Eparchial UCWLC Executive 

Spiritual Advisor:  Sr. Sophia, SSJ
Past President: Elizabeth Zahayko
President: Marlene Bodnar
1st Vice-President: Patricia Mialkowky
2nd Vice-President: Loretta Yaganiski
3rd Vice-President: Gladys Rogalski
Secretary: Iris Owchar
Treasurer: Sharon Hader
Constitution: Marusia Kobrynsky & Oristeen Kulyk
Standing Committees:
Spiritual Development: Barb Bodnarchuk
Social Action: Brenda Pasloski
Cultural/Educational: Elizabeth Zahayko
Organizational: Gloria Leniuk
Membership: Gayle Lockert
Public Relations/Website Coordinator:   Doreen Rathgeber
Archives: Oristeen Kell & Jayne Paluck
Inventory: Marie Woytowich
Nasha Doroha: Helen Adamko
Museum Financial Support: Angeline Chrusch & Eileen Yaworski
Outreach Ukraine: Jayne Paluck & Oristeen Kulyk
Audit Chair: Joyce Martynuik
Audit Committee: Ange Gretchen & Rose Hill
Members at Large: Olga Thoms, Roberta Pobran, Nadia Trafananko
Bishop Budka Eparchial Society Inc (BBESSI) Rep: Ange Gretchen


“Women, Builders of Peace in a Church which Goes Forth” – III Meeting with Women from the Middle East and the Mediterranean in Greece

“Women, Builders of Peace in a Church which Goes Forth” – III Meeting with Women from the Middle East and the Mediterranean in Greece

From October 5 – 10, 2022 - Marusia Kobrynsky, the Canadian representative on the Board of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations, was in Rafina, Greece for a Board meeting followed by a meeting with Catholic women from the Middle East and the...