Contact Information:

Norbert Wasylenko, Chair

Office Phone: 306-373-0663
Residence: 306-374-4828
Cell: 306-260-4829

Board of Directors - 2019




I am pleased to present this 37th Annual Report of the Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc.  The Foundation continues on its mission to provide financial assistance to the Eparchy of Saskatoon for the education of seminarians and clergy.

The Foundation is grateful to the Faithful of the Eparchy for their continued support.  Total Revenues in 2019 from Donations, Investment Earnings and Interest Income was $212,853 compared to $21,801 in the previous year.  2019 proved to be a banner year for the Foundation as it was blessed with the highest Annual Revenues since inception.

Funds raised including Investment Income go directly for the educational support of seminarians and priests and in 2019 a total of $22,550.00 was disbursed for this purpose.

The 2019 Financial Statement produced by Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants was found to be in order.  The total Assets of the Foundation as of December 31, 2019 is $831,979, compared to $646,034 the previous year.

Our Assets continue to be invested under a Management Agreement with Saskatoon Community Foundation, and managed by TD  Greystone Managed Investments Inc.  The following shows the areas in which investments are held.

            To streamline the requests for the various Eparchial donations, the Board of Directors made a decision to discontinue our stand-alone Annual January Campaign for funds.  Going forward, the Bishop Roborecki Foundation will become part of the ANNUAL EPARCHIAL APPEAL, and we encourage the Faithful to continue making their annual donations to the Bishop Roborecki Foundation through the Annual Eparchial Appeal which takes place each spring.

Leave a Legacy – we continue to encourage the Faithful in the Eparchy to offer their financial support by way of Bequests, for the future benefit of our Church.  It is a wonderful way to ensure that your wishes will continue to serve the Foundation and provide the necessary assistance in perpetuity.

For further information on bequests or planned giving, please feel free to contact any one of the Board of Directors.


Respectfully submitted this 20th day of May 2020.

Norbert Wasylenko, Chair
Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc


PDF copy of 2019 Annual Report»»

PDF copy of 2019 Financial Statement»»

Celebrating the Anniversaries of our Clergy in our Eparchy
through  the work of the Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation

It is through the work of the Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation that funding is provided to assist in the support and education of individuals to work and serve as clergy and religious for the benefit of our Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy.

As we celebrate the anniversaries of our clergy this year 2020, let us be grateful for the work of the Foundation and support them through our donations.

The Bishop Roborecki Foundation was established in 1982 for the purpose of raising funds to provide financial support for the education of seminarians and clergy in our Eparchy.  For the past 16 years, the month of January was designated as the Donation Month for Bishop Roborecki Foundation.  Donations were made through all the Parishes in the Eparchy, for which we are very thankful.

Starting in January 2020, the Bishop Roborecki Foundation will discontinue requesting donations through the Parishes in January, and will become a participant in the ANNUAL EPARCHIAL APPEAL CAMPAIGN, which is held after Easter of each year.   Therefore, when making your next annual Eparchial Appeal donation in 2020 and going forward, please include an amount for the Bishop Roborecki Foundation, which will be used for the education of seminarians and clergy in our Eparchy.  Larger donations or Bequests will continue to be accepted if mailed directly to the Bishop Roborecki Foundation, 214 Ave. M South, Saskatoon, Sask.  S7M 2K4.

 We trust this will simplify making donations towards various Eparchial Initiatives.

 We sincerely thank all the Faithful in the Eparchy who have so loyally supported this Foundation for the past 37 years and we look forward to eparchy-wide continued support as we go forward.

Norbert Wasylenko, Chair

Clergy Celebrating Milestone Anniversaries - 2020
Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation - 2018 Annual Report - May 2019

I am pleased to present this 37th Annual Report of the Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc.  The Foundation continues on its mission to provide financial assistance to the Eparchy for the education of seminarians and clergy.

The Foundation is grateful to the Faithful of the Eparchy for their continued support.

In 2018 the following Individuals, Parishes and Organizations made financial contributions to the Foundation:

Total donations received in 2018 were $11,684.  All funds raised including investment income go directly to the educational support of seminarians and priests and in 2018 a total of $22,775.00 was disbursed for this purpose.

The 2018 Financial Statement was produced by Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants  and found to be in order.  The total Assets of the Foundation as of December 31, 2018 is $644,284.

Currently, the following seminarians are enrolled at Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary & Newman Theological College, Edmonton, AB:

Mathew Lashyn,  Ivan Simko and Jonathan Lashyn   

We continue to encourage the Faithful in the Eparchy to offer financial support by way of Bequests.  It is a wonderful way to ensure that your wishes will continue to serve the Foundation and provide necessary assistance in perpetuity.

The following Directors served on the Board in 2018:







 I take this opportunity to thank Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR and all Directors for their continued support, commitment and service.

Respectfully submitted this 22nd day of May 2019.          

Norbert Wasylenko, Chair     
Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc


PDF copy of 2018 Annual Report»»

PDF copy of 2018 Financial Report as of December 31-2018»»



2018 Christmas Report - December 2018

2018 Christmas Report

 Submitted by: Norbert Wasylenko, Chair

We are pleased to report that the BISHOP ROBORECKI FOUNDATION Inc. continues its mission to offer financial support to the Eparchy, for the education of seminarians and others who will serve for the benefit of our Eparchy.  For this purpose, the Board of Directors at the November 14, 2018 meeting, approved a disbursement for $22,775.00.

Currently, the following seminarians are in various stages of their vocational discernment.

Jonathan Lashyn

Jonathan was born and raised in Saskatoon, SK.  He is the oldest in his family and has two younger brothers and three younger sisters.  Growing up he was home-schooled and attended Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Saskatoon, where he was an Altar Server for many years.  Prior to starting at Holy Spirit Seminary, he attended Merrimack College (via a hockey scholarship) in North Andover, MA, U.S.A., where he received a degree in Exercise Science.   His hobbies include sports and reading.  Currently Jonathan is enrolled at the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary & Newman Theological College, in Edmonton, AB.

Matthew Lashyn
Matthew was born and raised in Saskatoon. Growing up he attended Ss. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church in Saskatoon with his family. In 2010 he moved to Wilcox SK to attend high school at the Athol Murray College of Notre Dame for Grade 11 and 12. After high school, he attended the University of Saskatchewan and completed a degree in Electrical Engineering in May of 2017. In September of 2017 Matthew entered Holy Spirit Seminary in Ottawa to begin formation as a seminarian for the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon. As of September of 2018, he has been living at Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv, (Ukraine) where he is spending a year of cultural and language studies. Matthew plans to return to Canada in 2019 and continue studies and formation for the priesthood at Holy Spirit Seminary, in Edmonton.

Ivan Simko
Ivan Simko was born in 1991 in former Yugoslavia. ​Soon afterwards his family fled the country due to war and ended up settling in Saskatoon, SK where he grew up with four younger siblings. Coming from a family with strong faith and Ukrainian-Rusyn heritage, Ivan was raised in the Ukrainian Catholic tradition. He spent some time in Italy with the Focolare Movement for spiritual formation, where he felt pulled to start discerning priesthood. Before entering the seminary, Ivan completed a degree in mechanical engineering and worked in Humboldt, SK for a couple of years postponing his discernment. In 2016 Ivan attended World Youth Day in Poland, inspiring him to enter the seminary sooner than later. With the blessing of Bishop Bryan, and the support of the Eparchy of Saskatoon, he is now in his second year of formation. He is also engaged to Lesia Kinach and asks for your continued prayers and support as he journeys through his discernment of both vocations.  Currently Ivan is enrolled at Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary & Newman Theological College, Edmonton, AB.


 The Mission of the Foundation is to bring awareness to our faithful that financial support is needed on an annual basis for the recruitment and education of our candidates.  Most do not have the financial resources to support their studies. To this end, His Excellency Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, has set aside the month of January as the month for the faithful to make their annual contributions to the Bishop Roborecki Foundation. Please refer to your January Parish Bulletins for details.  Donations can be made to your parish, which will receipt the donations, and then forward these donations to the Bishop Roborecki Foundation Inc., 214-Avenue M South, Saskatoon, SK S7M 2K4.

Direct donations or Bequests to the Foundation are encouraged and very welcome.  Simply contact one of our Board of Directors for details ( Your financial support will ensure the Foundation continues to maintain its mandate in perpetuity, to educate and provide much needed priests and deacons to minister to our Faithful in the Eparchy of Saskatoon.

All donations, together with the 2018 Year-end Financial Statement, will be published in 2019.

During this Nativity Season, let us ask our Loving God to continue bestowing his choicest Blessings upon all our faithful.

ХРИСТОС РАЖДАЄТЬСЯ!          СЛАВІТЕ ЙОГО!                            CHRIST IS BORN!          LET US ADORE HIM!

Directors:  Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR; Richard Gabruch; Geraldine Koban; Greg Lazurko;  Lucas Olenick;  Nykolai Olenick;  Norbert Wasylenko.

PDF copy of Bishop Roborecki Foundation Inc. 2018 Christmas Report»»


Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation - 2017 Annual Report - May 2018


I am pleased to provide this 36th Annual Report of the Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc.  As was envisioned by the founders, the Foundation continues to provide financial assistance to the Eparchy for the education of seminarians and clergy.

The Foundation is grateful to the Faithful of the Eparchy for their continued support.

In 2017 the following Individuals, Parishes and organizations made financial contributions to the Foundation;

Total donations received in 2017 were $10,612.  All funds raised including investment income go directly toward the education of seminarians and priests and in 2017 a total of $22,117.10 was disbursed for this purpose.

The 2017 Financial Statement was produced by Ernst & Young Chartered Accountants   and found to be in order.  The total Assets of the Foundation as of December 31, 2017 is $650,703.

The following is the status of new clergy and seminarians in the Eparchy;

Rev.Warren Dungan, ordained a Priest July 2017 and is posted to Kamsack.

Vasyl Tymishak, scheduled to be ordained a Priest July 12, 2018 in Ukraine, to serve in the Eparchy.

Matthew Lashyn, Ivan Simko and Jonathan Lashyn are continuing or starting their studies at Holy Spirit Seminar.

One of the strategies the Foundation has been encouraging is for the Faithful to offer financial support by way of Bequests.  It is a wonderful way to ensure that your wishes will continue to grow the Foundation and provide necessary assistance in perpetuity.

 I take this opportunity to thank Bishop Bryan Bayda CSsR and all Directors for their continued support, commitment and service.

Respectfully submitted this 16th day of May 2018.


Norbert Wasylenko, Chair
Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc.


PDF copy of 2017 Annual Report»»

PDF copy of 2017 Financial Report as of December 31-2017»»

Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation - Christmas Report - As of Nov-22-2017

Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc.

2017 Christmas Report

 – Norbert Wasylenko, Chair

We are pleased to report the BISHOP ROBORECKI FOUNDATION continues on its faithful mission to offer financial support to the Eparchy, for the education of seminarians and priests that will serve our Eparchy.  For this purpose, The Board of Directors at the November 2, 2017 meeting approved a disbursement for $22,117.10.

The Mission of the Foundation is to bring awareness to our Faithful that financial support is needed on an annual bases for the recruitment and education of seminarians.  Most seminarians do not have the financial resources to support their studies. To this end Our Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR, has set aside the month of January as the month for the Faithful to make their annual contributions to the Roborecki Foundation. Please refer to your January Parish Bulletins for details.  Donations made to your Parish will be receipted by your Parish, who will forward them to the Bishop Roborecki Foundation, 114-Avenue M South, Saskatoon, Sk.  S7M 2K1

Currently the Eparchy has the following seminarians in training:   Ivan Simko and Mathew Lashyn.  Also,Deacon Vasyl Tymishak is in active formation.

Direct donations or Bequests to the Foundation are encouraged and very welcome.  Your financial support will ensure the Foundation continues to maintain its mandate in perpetuity, to educate and provide much needed priests and deacons to minister to our Faithful in the Eparchy of Saskatoon.

All donations together with the 2017 year end Financial Statement will be published after Easter 2018.

Let us ask the Lord to continue bestowing his choicest Blessings upon all our faithful.



Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation - As of May 15, 2015

Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation

 – as of May, 2015

The Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc was named after the first Bishop of Ukrainian Catholics in Saskatchewan.   The Foundation was originally incorporated by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan in March 1982.  In 2011 the Foundation was incorporated under the Non-Profit Corporations Act.   The object of the Foundation is to provide funding to the Eparchy of Saskatoon for the advancement of education of individuals or organizations who:

a)       are of the Ukrainian Catholic faith or who embrace  it,
b)       strive to become fluent in the Ukrainian language, and
c)      are accepted by the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon to work for the benefit of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy  of Saskatoon

The head office of the Foundation is located at 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7M 2K4 and is governed by the Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon together with a Board of up to nine Directors.

The Foundation solicits funds by means of an annual campaign through all the Parishes within the Eparchy usually during the month of January.  All other donations from individuals, associations, corporations and bequests are gratefully accepted, and can be mailed to the address shown above.   Charitable receipts will be provided.

The Foundation has been a beneficiary of the following Estates:

-Reverend Father Anthony M. Pawliuk
-Maurice Holuk.

For more information concerning Wills and bequests please contact the Board of Directors.

Since 1982 the Foundation has provided over $430,000.00 in financial support to fulfill its objectives.

As of December 31, 2014, the assets of the Foundation were over $629,000 and are held in trust for the object of the Foundation.  In the event the Foundation is dissolved, wound up or abolished, all assets will be immediately transferred to the Ukrainian Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Saskatchewan.

Current Board of Directors

Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR                 
Lucas Olenick, Trustee                         
Norbert Wasylenko, Chair                   
Geraldine Koban, Vice Chair              
Nicholas Olenick, Treasurer               
Greg Lazurko, Secretary                      
Richard Gabruch, Legal Counsel       
Geraldine Koban, Trustee                    

Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation - As of February 10, 2014

Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation

– as of February 10th, 2014

The Bishop Andrew Roborecki Foundation Inc was named after the first Bishop of Ukrainian Catholics in Saskatchewan. The Foundation was originally incorporated by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan in March 1982.  In 2011 the Foundation was incorporated under the Non-Profit Corporations Act, however, the objective remains unchanged, which is to advance education by providing financial assistance and support to individuals or organizations who:

 a)     are of the Ukrainian Catholic Rite, or who embrace the Ukrainian Catholic Rite; and
 b)     strive to become fluent in the Ukrainian language; and
 c)     are accepted by the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon to work for benefit of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon.

The head office of the Foundation is located at 214 Avenue M South, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7M 2K4 and is governed by the Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon together with a Board of up to nine Directors.

The Foundation solicits funds by means of an annual campaign through all the Parishes within the Eparchy usually during the month of January. All other donations from individuals, associations, corporations and bequests are gratefully accepted, and can be mailed to the address shown above. Charitable receipts will be provided.  The Foundation was a beneficiary in the Estate of Reverend Father Anthony M. Pawliuk and received a bequest of $125,000.

For more information concerning Wills and bequests please contact the Board of Directors.

Since 1982 the Foundation has provided over $410,000.00 in financial support to fulfill its objectives.

As of December 31, 2013, the assets of the Foundation were over $500,000 and are held in trust for the object of the Foundation.  In the event the Foundation is dissolved, wound up or abolished, all assets will be immediately transferred to the Ukrainian Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Saskatchewan.

Current Board of Directors

Bishop Bryan Bayda, CSsR                 
Lucas Olenick, Treasurer,                    
Norbert Wasylenko, Chair                  
Greg Lazurko, Secretary                      
Richard Gabruch, Legal Counsel       
Geraldine Koban, Trustee