Ukrainian Catholic Brotherhood – St. Athanasius Branch #305

Year in Review – 2015

End of another year and the beginning of a new one. This year saw the brotherhood busy as usual.

   Jan. 25/15 held the AGM for the brotherhood and appreciation supper for all UCBC and UCWLC.

   Feb. 17/15 the UCBC hosted the shrove Tuesday pancake supper.

   Mar. 05/15 the brotherhood served coffee after the mission.

   Mar. 29/15 the brotherhood hosted a brunch for the first holy communicants.

   May 03/15 the brotherhood stepped up to be ushers and altar servers for proznyk.

   May 09/15 had a few of the brothers get together and help clean up the parish property.

   May 10/15 on Mother’s Day had the brotherhood handing out carnations at the beginning of mass and serving coffee and cake after mass.

   May 23/15 the brotherhood held an appreciation afternoon for the altar servers and Children of Mary with bowling and pop. After the games we had pizza for them.

   June 14/15 was Tag Day and Grad Sunday with the participation of the brotherhood.

   July and Aug. was enjoyed by all as the summer went by.

   Nov. 29/15 saw the annual brotherhood Grey Cup brunch being held.

   To end of the year the brotherhood would like the send their deepest sympathy to the families of any of the brotherhood that have passed away during the year.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2016!

Brother Karl Woitas, President
St. Athanasius’s UCBC Branch #305