Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Sing along with us so that others can sing along with you. CANTORS’ CORNER allows you to listen to the propers as you read them (with or without music). Anyone can practice for days or weeks in advance of any particular Sunday or Feast Day so that they can better lead their congregations.

This tool encompasses English language propers for Sundays and Major Feast Days and ascribes to the Gregorian calendar. We are using the translation approved by Fr. John Sianchuk, CSsR, as it is predominant in our Eparchy. Share your satisfaction with others and share your suggestions with us.

We will always consider this project as a “work in progress” and your feedback helps us to evolve.

We have now posted the English Panakhyda and Parastas complete with the inserts that are used during the Easter Season. Our next project will be the Divine Liturgy (unless we do the Ukrainian version of the Panakhyda and Parastas first). We are also in the process of updating the Sunday and Feast Day Troparias to include the written music corresponding to the recorded music segments. We will always consider this project as a “work in progress” and your feedback helps us to evolve.

Do you have an opinion about that or any other suggestions? If so, send them to me,  or Chris Pidwerbeski at

I want to thank, Chris Pidwerbeski, Henry Spilchuk (a.k.a. – H. Andrew Spilchuk) and Fr. John Sianchuk, CSsR, for their love of liturgical text and music and for their hours of diligent work to provide us this powerful tool. I hope you gain confidence, skill and holyness as you practice and then lead others in prayer.

In your service, Fr. Ivan Nahachewsky

PS If you find errors of any kind or have any inquiries, please contact Chris.

Spring 2025 Troparia Booklet - January 1 to April 19 - Readable Layout
Spring 2025 Troparia Booklet - January 1 to April 19 - Printable Copy
Liturgical Propers – Monthly with Text, Music & Audio 
Liturgical Propers – Resurrectional & Other Troparia (Tones) with Text, Music & Audio