Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - First Antiphon
First Antiphon:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour save us.
Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour save us.
You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour save us.
Glory be . . . now and forever . . . : Only Begotten Son

Audio - 01- Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - First Antiphon
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Third Antiphon-Verses & Tropar, Tone 4
Third Antiphon:
Verse: When I call, answer me, O my just God.
Tropar of the Most Holy Eucharist, tone 4:
Your memorial sacrifice, Christ our God,*
became a festive day for the world.*
For fishermen were taught by you*
to offer you the unbloody sacrifice with bread and wine,*
to recall your divine memorial act*
which we celebrate; proclaiming:*
O Lord, glory be to you.
Verse: Offer just sacrifices, and trust in the Lord.
Tropar of the Most Holy Eucharist, tone 4:
Your memorial sacrifice, Christ our God,*
became a festive day for the world.*
For fishermen were taught by you*
to offer you the unbloody sacrifice with bread and wine,*
to recall your divine memorial act*
which we celebrate; proclaiming:*
O Lord, glory be to you.
Verse: You put gladness into my heart, more than when grain and wine abound.
Tropar of the Most Holy Eucharist, tone 4:
Your memorial sacrifice, Christ our God,*
became a festive day for the world.*
For fishermen were taught by you*
to offer you the unbloody sacrifice with bread and wine,*
to recall your divine memorial act*
which we celebrate; proclaiming:*
O Lord, glory be to you.

Audio - 02 - Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Third Antiphon-Verses & Tropar, Tone 4
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist -Small Entrance-Verse & Tropar, Tone 4
At the Small Entrance:
Verse: : I will offer you a sacrifice of praise; I will call upon the name of the Lord.
Tropar of the Most Holy Eucharist, tone 4:
Your memorial sacrifice, Christ our God,*
became a festive day for the world.*
For fishermen were taught by you*
to offer you the unbloody sacrifice with bread and wine,*
to recall your divine memorial act*
which we celebrate; proclaiming:*
O Lord, glory be to you.

Audio - 03 - Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist -Small Entrance-Verse & Tropar, Tone 4
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Glory Be & Kondak, Tone 4
Glory be to the Father . . ., tone 4:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and for ever and ever. Amen!
Kondak of the Most Holy Eucharist, tone 4:
Behold, Christ becomes present as food for all.*
Come let us prostrate ourselves in worship of Christ, our God,*
hidden in these Mysteries*
and let us cry out in humility:*
“Lord, do not destroy us sinners by fire when we communicate,*
but burn our sins and purify our souls.

Audio - 04 - Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Glory Be & Kondak, Tone 4
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Prokimen & Verse, Tone 4
Prokimen of the Most Holy Eucharist, tone 4:
I will feed them with the best of wheat, and with honey from the rock I will fill them.
Verse: Sing joyfully to God our strength.
I will feed them with the best of wheat, and with honey from the rock I will fill them.

Audio - 05 - Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Prokimen & Verse, Tone 4
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Alleluia & Verses
Alleluia Verses, of the Most Holy Eucharist:
The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season.
You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

Audio - 06 - Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Alleluia & Verses
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Instead of 'It is truly right...': 'My soul, extol the Lord...'
Instead of ‘It is truly right…’
My soul, extol the Lord*
who gave his flesh as mystical food.*
My soul, extol Christ our God,*
who gave his flesh for man’s salvation.*
You are all desire.*
You are all delight,*
word of God, son of the Virgin,*
Lord, the God of gods,*
you are the holiest of the holy.*
For this we extol you*
with her who bore you.

Audio - 07- Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Instead of 'It is truly right...': 'My soul, extol the Lord...'
Text: Feast of the Most Holy Eucharist - Communion Hymn (Verse)
Communion Hymn (Verse):
“Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him, said the Lord.”
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!