Text: June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Tropar, Tone 4
Tropar, Tone 4:
O Leaders of the Apostles*
and Teachers of the world,*
pray to the Lord of all to grant peace to the world,*
and abundant mercy to our souls.
Audio - 01- June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Tropar, Tone 4
Text: June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Glory Be & Kondak, Tone 2
Glory be . . . (Tone 2):
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kondak (Tone 2):
O Lord, You have received the steadfast preachers of the Good News,*
the leaders of your apostles,*
into the enjoyment of your goodness and repose.*
You have accepted their labors and death before any other sacrifice,*
for only You know the secrets of our hearts.
Audio - 02 - June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Glory Be & Kondak, Tone 2
Text: June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Prokimen & Verse, Tone 8
Prokimen (Tone 8)
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world; and their words unto the ends of the world.
Verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand.
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world; and their words unto the ends of the world.
Audio - 03 - June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Prokimen & Verse, Tone 8
Text: June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Alleluia & Verses
Alleluia Verses:
The heavens shall confess your wonders, O Lord.
God is glorified in the assembly of the saints.
Audio - 04 - June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul -Alleluia & Verses
Text: June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Instead of 'It is truly right...' 'O my soul, extol...'
Instead of “It is truly right . . .”
O my soul, extol Peter, the solid rock*
and Paul, the chosen orator of the Church of Christ.*
We extol you in hymns,*
O most glorious bride and most holy Theotokos,*
for you have given birth*
to the Creator of all things visible and invisible.
Audio - 05 - June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Instead of 'It is truly right...' 'O my soul, extol...'
Text: June 29 - The Glorious & Illustrious Apostles, Peter & Paul - Communion Hymn (Verse)
Communion Verse:
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their words unto the ends of the world.
Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.