Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God, Sunday Tropar, Tone 4
Tropar Sunday, Tone 7:
By Your cross You destroyed death;*
You opened Paradise to the thief;*
You changed the lamentation of the myrrh-bearers to joy,*
and charged the Apostles to proclaim*
that You are risen, O Christ, our God,*
offering great mercy to the world.
Audio - 01- Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God, Sunday Tropar, Tone 7
Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Tropar of the Nativity, Tone 4
Tropar of the Nativity, Tone 4:
Your birth, O Virgin Mother of God,*
heralded joy to the universe;*
for from you rose the Sun of Justice, Christ our God.*
He took away the curse, He gave the blessing,*
and by trampling death,*
He gave us everlasting life.
Audio - 02- Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Tropar of the Nativity, Tone 4
Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Glory Be & Kondak, of the Nativity, Tone 4
Glory Be …, Tone 4:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,* now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kondak of the Nativity,Tone 4:
Through your holy birth, O Immaculate One,*
Joachim and Anne were freed from the reproach of childlessness,*
and Adam and Eve*
from the corruption of death.*
Delivered from the guilt of sin,*
your people celebrate this when they cry out to you:*
She who is barren gives birth to the Mother of God*
and the Sustainer of our life.
Audio - 03- Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Glory Be & Kondak, of the Nativity, Tone 4,
Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Prokimen Sunday, Tone 6
Prokimen Sunday, Tone 6:
Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.
Verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, lest You turn from me in silence.
Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.
Audio - 04 - Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Prokimen Sunday, Tone 6
Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Alleluia & Verses
Alleluia Verses:
I have promoted the one chosen from my people and anointed him with my holy oil.
My hand will be constantly with him, he will be able to rely on my arm.
Audio - 05- Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - Alleluia & Verses
Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - O my soul, . . .
Instead of ‘Indeed, it is fitting’:
O my soul, extol the Virgin Mary*,
born of a barren womb.*
Mothers cannot be virgins,*
nor virgins be mothers;*
but in you, O Mother of God,*
both virginity and motherhood were present.*
Therefore, all the people of the earth*
unceasingly extol you.
Audio - 06- Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God - O my soul, . . .
Text: Sunday before the Exaltation, Tone 7; Nativity of the Mother of God- Communion Hymn (Verses)
Communion Hymn:
Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest.
I will take the chalice of salvation; and I will call upon the name of the Lord.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!