Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Sunday Tropar, Tone 6

Sunday Tropar, tone 6:

Angelic powers were upon Your tomb*
and the guards became like dead men;*
Mary stood before Your tomb seeking Your most pure body.*
You captured Hades without being overcome by it.*
You met the Virgin and granted life.*
O Lord, risen from the dead, glory be to You.

Audio - 01- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Sunday Tropar, Tone 6

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Tropar of the Cross, Tone 1

Sunday Tropar, tone 6:

Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.*
Grant victory to Your faithful people against enemies,*
and protect Your community by Your cross.

Audio - 02- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Tropar of the Cross, Tone 1

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Glory Be & Kondak, 3rd Sunday of Lent, Tone 7

Glory Be … tone 7:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,*
now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kondak, 3rd Sunday of Lent, tone 7:

The gates of Eden are no more guarded by a blazing sword,*
for the tree of the cross has gloriously extinguished it,*
destroying the sting of death and the victory of hell.*
O my Saviour, You went to those in Limbo crying aloud, “Return to paradise!”

Audio - 03- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Glory Be & Kondak, 3rd Sunday of Lent, Tone 7

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, To Your cross, O Master . . .

To Your cross, O Master, we bow in veneration, and we glorify Your holy Resurrection. (3x)

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,* now and for ever and ever. Amen.

…  and we glorify Your holy Resurrection.

To Your cross, O Master, we bow in veneration, and we glorify Your holy Resurrection.

Audio - 04- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, To Your cross, O Master . . .

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Prokimen, Tone 6

Prokimen, tone 6:
Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.

verse:  Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, lest You turn from me in silence.

Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.

Audio - 05- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Prokimen, Tone 6

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Alleluia Verses

Alleluia Verses:

Remember the people you long since made your own.

Yet, God, my king from the first, author of saving acts throughout the earth.

Audio - 06- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Alleluia Verses

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, In you, Lady full of grace ...

Instead of ‘Indeed, it is fitting’:

In you,* Lady, full of grace,* all creation rejoices,*
the world of angels* and the human race.*
Sanctified temple spiritual paradise,*
boast* of virgins,* God* took flesh from you*
and became a child;* He was God* before* the ages.*
He made your womb* a throne* and made it*
more encompassing* than the heavens.*
In you*, Lady full of grace,* all creation* rejoices,* glory be to you.

Audio - 07- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, In you, Lady full of grace ...

by H. Andrew Spilchuk

Text: March 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Communion Hymn (Verse)

Communion Hymn (Verse):

The Light of Your face, O Lord, is raised over us. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Audio - 08- Mar- 4-2018 - Third Sunday of Lent, - Veneration of the Holy Cross, Communion Hymn (Verse)

by H. Andrew Spilchuk