Joining in Prayer in this Time of Grief
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
As the Catholic Bishops of Saskatchewan, we extend our deepest condolences to all
those affected by the acts of violence that took place at James Smith Cree Nation and the
village of Weldon on Sept. 5.
We join all those in our province who are expressing support and solidarity for
individuals, families and communities in the wake of this tragedy.
Mourning those whose lives have been lost, those who have been injured and those
whose peace and security has been shattered by these horrific events, we invite all to join in
prayer, turning to God for comfort and healing.
We also pray for all those across Saskatchewan who have been reaching out to provide
assistance, including first responders, health care workers and everyone offering help and
support to those affected by this tragedy.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
++Most Rev. Donald Bolen, Archbishop of Regina
++Most Rev. Lawrence Huculak, OSBM, Apostolic Administrator Eparchy of Saskatoon
++Most Rev. Murray Chatlain, Archbishop of Keewatin- Le Pas
+Most Rev. Mark Hagemoen, Bishop of Saskatoon
+Most Rev. Stephen Hero, Bishop of Prince Albert