As we give thanks to God and to Mary, Mother of Jesus, for all our blessings, we also pray for the people of Ukraine and all who support them.

To assist our prayers, we are proud to present Ukraine’s Perpetual Mother by Fr. Michael Smolinski CSsR, provincial Superior of the Redemptorists of Canada.

These homilies highlight two special Devotions TV programs to be broadcast on VisionTV on October 18 + 25, 2023.

As of today, they are also now available to be viewed on Redemptorist TV.

Please forward this message to all your friends, supporters and parishioners.

Let us all pray together with Fr. Michael for peace and safety of Ukraine’s people; for the young and old, all the mothers and fathers, all the priests and Sisters who are working to save lives, all the Canadians whose roots are in Ukraine, all the Canadian Ukrainian Catholic eparchies and parishes who are at the frontline of Canadian assistance to Ukraine.

The RedemptoristTV team